Sunday, September 9, 2012

Nosey Neighbors

So, since we have moved in we have constantly felt as though our new neighbors were watching our EVERY move!  They are all friends with the owners, so we felt that they were reporting back to her like good little minions!  SO after 4 months of feeling massive anxiety when ever I look out my window, have people over, or even leave the house, I finally decided to "kill them with kindness"!!  I baked FRESH home made banana bread and wrote up a little introduction about our family and just walked it over to 1 of our nosey neighbors.  The other 1 wasn't home!  We have some AWESOME neighbors right next door, but they weren't home.  I made them some just because I like them and they have been super kind to us since we moved in :)  Anyway, so the neighbors that were home, I introduced myself, shook their hands and told them what I had brought.  They seemed shocked, of course, and somewhat nice.  The husband more so than the wife, but I expected that.  Men don't really get into drama like the wives do, lol.  I seriously feel like we could shot "Desperate Housewives of Clovis" on my block!  Well, we will see what, if anything, happens.  What counts is that I made an effort to be nice.  I have an agenda to make them hate LOVING me, lol :D  Im going to be so nice that they just can't stand it, lol! Well, I hope so!

On another note, today was a GREAT day!  With the exception of my poor hubby :(  He is in so much pain, I worry about him!  I wish he could stay home and get his surgery right now, but he won't do it!  He is determined to work through it until winter when his hours at work will slow down.  I love him dearly, but sometimes I wanna wack him on the head, lol!  I mean, he's gonna hurt himself so seriously that he might not be able to work again!  The he will feeel so helpless :(  And that is the LAST feeling I want him to feel!  Anyway, so we went to church and enjoyed speakers from a return missionary (sister), who was serving in Arizona.  She helped me be thankful for our 105 heat spells, when she mentioned her 1st summer there was 124!!  I still want to move to Oregon though, lol!     

Well, Here are some pictures of Yosemite National Park that I took last weekend :)  Hope you like them!

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