Friday, December 2, 2011

Super busy day, major wind storm!

yesterday was filled with crazy busyness!!  My creative juices were flowing starting early on in the day!  We had a HUGE windstorm, like up to 40 MPH!!  Which is unheard of here in Clovis!  When I dropped my twins off to Seminary we passed 5 fallen trees!  2 of which landed on homes, and 1 that landed in the middle of a major street completely blocking it off!!  Needless to say I felt, and still do, very appreciative that my ugly little Olive tree didn't fall down :)  We will pull it our later, lol!

Anywho, so my day was pretty busy!  I kept trying to post pictures of my creative baking project but I can't seem to figure out how to load the pics onto my computer from my phone :-/.  Imma try and do that today!  I get to go grocery shopping this weekend and buy LOTS of cool stuff to bake for gifts!  Im SUPER EXCITED!!!  I also found a new webblog which is SOOOOO stinkin inspiring!!  If you have an organizational addiction, like myself, this lady has AWESOME ideas!!  Check her out @

Ok, so today I have a few things to accomplish.  Lets see if I can do them all! 

Finish laundry, bleach whites
Clean out and organize under bathroom sinks
Finish decorating Daycare room
Do next weeks Daycare curriculum
Clean out fridge
Help Ethan clean his room.

That should keep me pretty busy for the 1st half of the day, up through the end of naptime!  Ive become a master at teaching while cleaning my house!  It gives me about 5-10 minutes to run around and take trash out, clean kitchen, etc, while the kids are working on their worksheets!  I need to wait for my BF to come over and help me with my computer illiteracy, lol, so I can upload those pics from yesterday!  SO I wil be back later with my progress and pics!

Peace out Homeslice!

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